Opi launches two new limited editions for this spring.
First we have the collaboration with Nicky Minaj. She is not so known in Europe but after this collection it will. For the inspiration they have found it in her unique style, her love for bright colors and her debut album 'Pink Friday'. The collection has some very risky colors, from neon lemon green until pink.
In the collection you find five colors: Pink Friday, Metallic 4 Life, Fly, Did it On 'Em and Save Me. You can also find a Super Bash Shatter, a very beautiful purple that burst for your eyes!
The collection is now available in all of the Planet Parfum stores and other stores.

In March OPI launches the Holland Collection.
The colors are inspired by the dazzling colors of the Dutch landscape.
This collection will also available at Planet Parfum and other stores.
The collection includes 12 colors:
A Roll in The Hague: Take advantage of this frisky little orange.
Red Lights Ahead…Where?: This coral-packed red is the hottest in the district.
Kiss Me on My Tulips: A smooch-worthy shade of hot pink.
Pedal Faster Suzi!: This pink lavender shimmer will have you “wheeling.”
Dutch ’Ya Just Love OPI?: All of Holland hollers for this crowd-pleasing plum.
Vampsterdam: A deep purple for a divine diva.
Did You ’ear About Van Gogh?: Rumor has it…this sandy bisque is a work of art.
Thanks a WindMillion: You totally deserve this breezy sea green.
Wooden Shoe Like to Know?: It’s no secret…everybody loves this shimmery chocolate-brown.
I Have Herring Problem: What’s that you say? I need to “sea” this shimmery green-blue?
I Don’t Give a Rotterdam!: This sassy steal-blue shimmer means business!
Gouda Gouda Two Shoes: Take a walk on the wild side with this robust rose.